Sunday, January 13, 2013

{honeymoon continued}

Welcome back!  Here we are on our next adventure.  On one of the days we took the Jeep out and went to find some more beaches.  The first one we found was somewhat tucked away from the walked through some trees and then it opened up to the ocean.  Such a beautiful way to walk up to the ocean! 

Once we got some swimming in and a picnic lunch, we were back in the Jeep to find another spot.  We did this a lot which was fun since we weren't always sure where we were going!  Next stop was driving down a loooong dirt road that seemed like a dead end.  Both sides of the road were covered in lava rock and nothing else was around.  But there was a nice surprise at the end!  We went walking long the ocean for quite awhile and it just went on and on.  John wanted to keep seeing what was around the next bend so we did a bit of walking.  Saw some goats along the way. Actually, a lot of goats.  About twenty or so just wandering around.  A little out of place?  I thought so too, haha. 

                           There were a couple large blowholes around which were really neat to watch.  Got a bit close at times but I think this little guy got it worse ;)  

John has such a wonderful way of seeing the beauty is things and capturing them with the camera.  On our way to Lahaina Town one night, he pulled over and got some shots of this volcano.  Love these! 


This marina below was across from a small town we drove to for supper one night.  It was only about five minutes from our condo but the area had a completely different feel to it.  

This photo below has a good story behind it.  It was our last night in Maui and John surprised me by taking us out to dinner but keeping the restaurant and place a secret.  So we drove up to this small parking lot and I found the car amusing so I commented on it.  I say this because it made us not even aware of a certain sign in the background.  A somewhat important sign.  We found a path that led down to the beach and got to walk around for awhile since our reservations weren't for another half hour or so.  Once we got back to the Jeep to go for supper, we realized a locked chain going across the exit of the parking lot.  It was then we were aware of the sign below.  Parking lot closed at 7:00 and we had pulled in only a few minutes before that.  And of course there was absolutely no other way to get out.  LARGE rocks filled some areas and fences around the rest.  The sign said we would have to call someone and get the vehicle towed...the next day.  Thankfully we were finally able to get a hold of a local hotel employee and he graciously came down and let us out. Smile on his face, not mad at all.  Hawaii people are very friendly...even when you park in lots that are clearly closing soon :) 

 Our restaurant was right on the board walk and open air seating again.  

The food was amazing.  We loved trying new entrees...especially fresh seafood! 

   When we finished the meal our waiter asked if we wanted any dessert.  We were honestly really full so we said we were fine.  John went to restroom a little bit later and the waiter came back to clear our table.  He said "You guys are on your honeymoon aren't you?"  We got that a lot :)  But then he came back before we left and said a special dessert was on the house so we found room for it!

It was a beautiful evening and a wonderful last night in Hawaii.  

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